I’m Back

16 Apr


“I SHOULD OF, I COULD OF, I WOULD OF” I should of researched and prepared my holiday update before my November vacation to Florida and I suppose that I could of if I wasn’t so concerned with getting some Christmas shopping done before I left and I would of if I didn’t come down with a serious respiratory infection on my return. I have not had a cold for several years, so I opt not to wear my heavy sweater and jacket, and choose a light ¾ sleeve tee and an unlined fleece jacket, which was still uncomfortable in the 87 degrees temperature in Florida.  However exiting the plane at -30 in Hartford did me in and I was chilled to the bone all the way home and when I awoke in the morning I couldn’t talk and had a unbelievable sore throat and for over two weeks I was sick.  Fortunately the day before Christmas Eve I felt well enough to drag out some of my Christmas decorations and make the outside look festive.  My son set up my tree and it took me all night to trim it and I was exhausted but happy because my grandson from Virginia was coming to spend Christmas Eve with me and we were looking forward to  attending my son and daughter in-laws gala Christmas Eve celebration.



Disney at night!




 Typical Disney Breakfast!


 My daughter was hosting Christmas dinner for the family and yes it felt strange not having it at my home with our grab bag and Christmas bingo, which always was such a great time, although my daughter and her husband did a wonderful job. There was so much food, which included my small contribution of Italian stuffed breads and a cookie tray.

It was a wonderful family day and we all enjoyed the antics performed by my daughter and son-in-laws, first grandchild who will be two in May. She sang, she danced and pranced around in her pretty holiday outfit and was such a delight.  Missing from the scene unfortunately was our two grand daughters and their husbands and the newest member of the family, my grand daughter and her husbands baby boy and next year, my son and his wives youngest daughter and her husband’s little girl will join us. Also joining the festivities was our new bride her husband, my grandson and his brother and my son from Virginia, his wife and three sons and my youngest son and his wife, my daughter, her husband and two youngest grandchildren. Missing of course was Santa Clause (Papa) with his famous Dallas Cowboys Santa hat and the joy of seeing Papa distribute the many Christmas gifts with those sparkling eyes an that big grin. Still having fond memories of Disney World, and all I could think of was the significance of the “Tree Of Life.”



  My tree, which unfortunately kept me up until the wee hours of the morning decorating it.


 Looking at the view from my kitchen window-I think that winter is here to stay for a while and they are predicting a another major snowstorm this week. The sun was shining yesterday, so I deciding to attempt to take down my outside decorations, but it was frigid, and I was actually walking on top of the snow that is until I hit a soft spot and fell into it up to my knees. As a result, I lay on a heating pad all night to relieve the pain in my back. 

This month also included “Wear Red for Women’s Heart Disease” to bring awareness to the fact that Heart Disease is the #1 Killer for women and to stress that women’s heart attack symptoms are very different then men’s.

 Women do not get the same heart attack symptoms as men, such as a crushing pain in the chest that may radiate down the arm, but may feel a squeezing or fullness and this sensation can be anywhere. Having pain in the jaw, neck, back and arms may be more common in woman. Women may experience stomach pain, shortness of breath or light headiness, sweating and suddenly feeling very hot.  Unexplained fatigue is another symptom.  Of course, not everyone gets all these symptoms. However, listen to your body and do not hesitate to act if you are experiencing 2 or more of these symptoms.

 Of course diet is a very important factor in warding off or controlling heart disease.  You are what you eat and that adage is ringing true to form, according to the many studies performed today.  We all know or at least we have heard it from many sources the importance of lowering our cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  (Fat)

 Although cholesterol and triglycerides cause fatty deposits in our body, they are not produced by the same sources.  You can reduce your cholesterol intake by reducing saturated fat in your diet by eating lean protein such as chicken, turkey and fish (oily fish) such as herring, salmon, tuna and trout  (although most seafood contain some Omega 3 fatty acid) more often and eating red meat such as beef and  pork. (Please note:  I didn’t say eliminate it.)

 Eat dairy products such as eggs, cheese, whole milk and butter-I use Smart Balance Original for my spread and Smart Balance 50/50-Smart Balance/Butter sticks for my baking-in moderation.

 A moderate consumption of sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, candy, and puddings should be adhered too.

 The animal fat produces cholesterol that we consume and when the fat in food is broken down into HDL’s and LDL’s by digestion and enzymes produced by the liver.  LDL’s  (bad cholesterol) deposit cholesterol in our blood vessels, while HDL’S (good cholesterol) work to remove it.  Therefore when you have a blood test, always check the breakdown of your total cholesterol.  On the other hand, when we consume sugar some of the sugar is converted in the body as triglycerides which is a form of fat and like cholesterol it seems to play a part in heart disease.

 Other fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats do not seem to contribute to heart disease and many researchers believe that these oils can help protect you from the condition. Monounsaturated oils include olive oil, almond oil and avocado oil and it is believed that the consumption of these oils in the Mediterranean countries can account for the low incidence of heart disease present.

 If you recall I suggested that although you should eat meat in moderation, it should not be eliminated from your diet and because just looking at all that snow and hearing reports of more to come for this week, I just wanted a hearty stick to your ribs dinner.  So I decided to make a big crock-pot of beef stew and it was accomplished with out much effort at all.

There is very little preparation needed when making this recipe except for the peeling of the potatoes and carrots and if you are a working mom or dad and are the cook, you can peel the vegetables and place them a bowl of cold water and leave the bowl in the refrigerator over night.  In the morning following the recipe place everything in the crock-pot, put it on high to bring the heat up, set it on low and bing-a-boom a hot delicious meal to feed you family.

 I like to serve mine poured over a large biscuit, that is easily made using Heart Smart Bisquick-this product is one of my guilty pleasures and I always keep it on hand.


My Favorite Crock-Pot Stew

2 pounds stew meat, cut in 1-inch cubes

¼ cup of flour

1 ½ teaspoons salt, or to taste

½ teaspoon pepper

1-½ cups unsalted beef broth

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1 clove garlic

1 bay leaf

1-teaspoon paprika

4 carrots, peeled and sliced

3 potatoes, peeled and diced

2 small onions, chopped-I like to grate mine

1 stalk celery, sliced (optional)


Place meat in crock-pot.  Mix flour, salt and pepper, and pour over meat: stir to coat meat with flour.  Add remaining ingredients and stir well.  Cover, cook on high until crock-pot becomes heated. Turn to low and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours.  MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER TO TURN  THE HEAT TO LOW BEFORE LEAVING THE HOUSE. HOWEVER IF THIS IS A PROBLEM, COOK ON LOW FOR 10-12 HOURS

 Yes, I couldn’t wait to dig into this and yes it was rib sticking delicious.

 I like to stir in some cooked fresh green beans or peas before serving to make the stew a complete and healthy meal.

A few weeks ago one of my friends on FB posted a photo of a Belgian Waffle that she had at a local restaurant. I love Belgian Waffles, especially when they are smothered in juicy delicious fresh strawberries and topped with a mound of whipped cream.  I was so excited because I had just purchased some strawberries at my BY Super Market and anticipated making the waffles for breakfast the following morning.  I wasn’t concerned about that mound of whip cream that I would be using because all those healthy and nutritious strawberries would just cancel those calories out.

 Did you know that a cup of strawberries has 136 percent of the RDA of vitamin C, which is 15 percent more than an orange and recent studies have shown that vitamin C helps the body synthesize carnitine, a compound that speeds fat burn. Also I read a report on another study that suggests that eating strawberries can reduce the occurrence of sun induced age spots.  It seems, according to the article, that the berries ellagic acid suppresses the bodies production of melanin, the pigment produced in responds to ultraviolet light.

 Thank goodness it is almost time for breakfast and with the home made waffle mix that I am sharing today on my blog you can make these delicious waffles along with many variations in a jiffy.  Oh heck, I might as well throw in a homemade pancake mix as well. Now there will be no excuses not to make waffles or pancakes because you are out of store-bought mix that is laden with unhealthy ingredients and chemicals.




 Yes, you can enjoy a delicious breakfast as I did with very little time and effort.


Let’s take a few minutes to review some of the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet which we all know by now has been heralded as the most healthiest way to eat.

  1) The Mediterranean Diet concentrates on eating more fruits and vegetables and low fat protein like chicken and fish and eating red meats in moderation.

 2) Cook with olive oil or canola oil and make your salad dressings with Virgin olive oil and vinegar-being creative, an using herbs and balsamic vinegar, with a splash of fruit juice.  I have been experimenting with some of my own designer salad dressings and when I perfect them I will share them with you.

 3) Limit your consumption of white flour products, such as bread and pastries. Instead opt for whole-wheat products or crusty breads dipped in olive oil.  Hey, I am not saying never enjoy a good cookie or pastry, just keep in mind that they are to be eaten sparingly.  My trick is to make a dessert with fruit or a vegetable in it, like my mom’s sauerkraut chocolate cake, that you will find on my members only blog.  Doing this makes me feel like I am reaping the benefits of the fruit or vegetable and still having the benefit of a delicious dessert that not only satisfies my sweet tooth but also delivers some healthy nutrients to my body.

 4) Last but not least enjoy a glass of red wine with your meal. Now that isn’t so hard to take is it?

 Actually this isn’t a diet at all, but a way of life and the only difficult part is watching your portions. Remember, a tennis ball is the size of a ½ cup-the portion size of a fruit and vegetable.  The size of a deck of cards is 4 ounces of meat, chicken or fish and the size of a ping pong ball is the amount of butter or margarine-I prefer to use trans-fat free Original Smart Balance for cooking and as a spread and Smart Balance 50/50 Blend sticks for baking.

 It has also been suggested that you divide your dinner plate into fourths.  On one half place your protein and starch (bread or a starchy vegetable) and on the other side two vegetables or a fruit and a vegetable. I have a friend that uses a small plate that accommodates these portions, which makes the plate appear full.  Like the saying goes “You eat with your eyes first.” 

 Also to make it interesting I follow the 80-20 plan. Stick to the diet 80 percent of the time and eat a little naughty 20 percent of the time.  Sunday has always felt like a special day for me since I was a child, the air even smells fresh to me, so that is my 20 percent day.

 As I am working on this update, we are in the throes of another snow storm and I will be camped out in my house for another week.  But sometimes that is a good thing-I think Martha Stewart would often use that phase, anyway I always liked Martha Stewart and relished her magazine.  I haven’t subscribed to it for a while, but it always was one of my favorites. Just turning the pages made me feel elegant.  But today I am just being me, in my kitchen preparing the recipe for today, my hearty crock-pot stew.  Anyway. It is better to be the best that you can be of  yourself, then to be a poor imitation of someone else.

Christmas 2013 is just another memory now, and hopefully for most it is a happy one.  But it isn’t to late for me to wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year and perhaps by you continuing to log on to my website it may just the tool that you need to achieve it.  I always try to share ample recipes using my easy, healthy, tasty and made with readily available ingredients and also share researched health information, my life stories and lessons, photos, cooking and household hints, my critique of kitchen gadgets and cooking utensils and what even else comes to my mind when creating it and as one recent fans e-mail stated (can I take my bow now?) . “I want you to know how much I enjoy HealthyCookingForToday.  Your writing covers all areas and is a wonderful mix of healthy recipes, practical cooking and health information, great family stories and photos.  I just want to say thank you. Gosh, I’m blushing, but I always wanted my writing to be just that, and I hope that all my readers feel the same. But, I also want my readers to share their creation in the kitchen or your craft or fashion ideas with our readers in the segment “The Creativity Spotlight” and I invite you all to send photos of your work to my contact e-mail CookingForToday@aol.com-I kept my old newspaper e-mail, because I still receive e-mails from my former column readers.  Please Don’t disappoint me-Hey Susie in Boston, what have you been up to lately? 

Check out my Blog and the Members only Blog. Not a member yet? It is free and only means that you will receive an e-mail when the site is updated and that you will have access to the MEMBERS ONLY Blog and don’t forget to click on the  Classics Link to view my archives that you can use as your own personal HeathyCookingForToday cookbook using the search bar at the top of the page locate a desired recipe or select the date for a specific update.  Also if you enjoy my website, tell your friends and mention it on Twitter and Face Book, as networking is the new advertising.



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